Mitchell Acoustics Research

Home of Loudspeakers

PM499 Powered Monitor

Left to right: CAT 40 (black finish), CAT 43 (black finish), CAT 40 (white finish), all shown with standard grille removed.


The CAT 40 is one of the most versatile and transparent-sounding loudspeakers available. Its compact size, unequalled transient accuracy, and well-behaved directivity place it in a class of one.

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CAT 499 shown with standard cloth grille removed


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CF499 shown with standard cloth grille removed


bulletPresentation/theater systems
bulletHigh-performance distributed systems
bulletMusic and speech reinforcement
bulletCritical monitoring
bulletHome Theater

Available Options

bulletBolt patterns (two way versions only) - for OmniMount 100 series, Frazier M1433 adjustable bracket, overhead suspension in distributed systems, or customer-specified
bulletFactory-installed 70V line transformers - 10, 30, and 60 watt available
bulletCeiling baffle - fits 2' x 2' t-bar drop tile ceilings
bulletMetal grille - installed under standard cloth grille, for use in gymnasium systems
bulletSubwoofer - F2410 single 12" vented system extends LF bandwidth to 40 Hz

Product Variants

bulletCAT 46 - 3 way system with CAT 40 and one 12" HD subwoofer in a common enclosure
bulletCAT 499 - the use of a 1.75" voice coil driver and new horn design yield higher power handling and broader HF directivity
bulletCF499 - 3 way system with CAT 499 and one 12" HD subwoofer in a common enclosure

CAT 40 data sheet (pdf format - 7/15/98)

CAT499 data sheet (.pdf format - 10/02/01)

CF499 data sheet (.pdf format - 10/02/01)

F2410 Subwoofer data sheet (pdf format - 8/21/98)

CAT 46 Data Sheet (scanned, page 1)

CAT 46 Data Sheet (scanned, page 2)


Mitchell Acoustics Research

2005B Industrial Blvd.

Rockwall, TX 75087 USA

ph. +1-214-741-7136 fx. +1-866-492-2470